I really don’t know what to write…

Zachary Foerst
1 min readMay 8, 2020

I started this to put my thoughts on paper or I guess on screen. I wanted a place to hold my thoughts and share with the world. Kinda to make it so people who are having the same issues or thoughts would know they are not alone. But as i made it and wrote my first intro blog. I haven’t found another topic to write about. I dont know if thats good or not. My days haven’t really changed since this all started. Some new things happened. I started fully Working from Home, i picked up some new hobbies, gunna start building mech keyboard and making videos with them. Finally figured a style of video I wanna put out on YouTube. So I guess I’m finally starting to get a hang of what kind of content creation i wanna make. So if you guys wanna follow me on the internet. My socials will be below. Come say hi!

Twitch — https://twitch.tv/ogcrestman

Instagram — https://instagram.com/zachfoerst

YouTube — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPAlVrLZ5uKogqzOtN6KXTw



Zachary Foerst

I take photos and am pretty stressed. Here are my thoughts.